In a message dated 8/2/2005 2:16:34 AM Mountain Daylight Time, 

> DS was another matter... he went amd came back numerous times, a real
> 'boomerang' kid.  He is now married, and 20 months later, every time they
> come and visit I insist they take some more of his 'stuff' with them when
> they leave... his wardrobe/closet is gradually emptying........the garage
> only has a couple of cartons of 'stuff' left to go.  He's a real horder, but
> now he can argue with his wife, not his mother about what is kept and what
> goes out!

This reminds me of a discussion on another list a week or two ago. We were 
talking about the opposite meanings of the word "cleave" -- which, when you 
think about it, means both to cut apart (as in "cleaver") and to join together, 
in Genesis 2:24: "Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and shall 
cleave unto his wife, and they shall become one flesh." A professor up in 
Canada explained that this verse was intended as a warning against young men, 
that they weren't supposed to hang around their parents' house until they're 
but get out of there and find some where else to live and someone else to take 
care of them :<)) I thanked him and told him I'll warn my son, before it's 
too late! (DS, my first-born, is still here with me - no empty-nest syndrome 
over him, yet! :<))


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