The fact that they sound plausible is what keeps urban legends circulating even in the face of proven falsehood. One of the sure ways to spot one is the FOAF part. That stands for Friend Of A Friend. Most of them are at least 2 persons removed from whoever is retelling the story. I think most of these are the modern version of the ghost stories that were told around campfires. The kind that make a shiver go along your spine. A classic example is the story of the choking Doberman. There has never been an actual recorded case of this happening but the story just keeps going and going, like the Energizer Bunny :D


Interesting to find out these stories are hoaxes -- still, they COULD happen, and it's certainly good to be careful. But it kind of makes you wonder why people make up things like that, when there are so many REAL crimes that could have been reported....Maybe it's like those people who feel justified in telling lies to support something, because they believe in it so strongly....sort of an "end justifies the means" type of thinking? Or maybe the creators are on some kind of ego trip, and make up a story they can recognize, just so they can see how far it travels on the wings of peoples' fears.....

At any rate, next time I hear a REAL crime story that could serve as a helpful warning....maybe I'll pass it along! :<))

Omnia vincit Amor; et nos cedamus Amori. ~ Virgil

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