s there anyone out there using freeserve/wanadoo wireless broadband. We've just gone on to broadband - wireless so we can have two computers connected. Supposed to be easy to do. So far it's been two days and four technical support phone calls. The broadband's running on one computer, but the extra phone line through the wireless box isn't - they're ringing back on Monday or Tuesday to see if they can sort that out. They reckoned we needed wireless because we wanted to have two computers able to go on line, and, knowing nothing about it, we agreed.

Had a lot of trouble getting it set up in the first place because the instruction booklet only gives isolated diagrams of individual connectuons and no overall plan diagram of what goes where. Wanadoo's answer to out set up difficulties in one of the four phone calls was that I'd have to get rid of my cordless phone which might interfere with the wireless signal, have the phone socket moved to the room with the computer in, next to the computer and keep our main phone next to the computer as well. Not so according to the next phone call - I can keep my cordless phone, don't have to have the phone socket moved, and the computer can stay where it is.

First computer's working fine, but instructions are given to connect the second computer via an ethernet cable - not long enouigh to reach from the computer in the bedroom to the broadband box in the hall connected to the phone socket. As the second compuer's a laptop which is wirelss enabled, it should be abled to be connected wirelessly as well. Has anyone done this? When the wireless but of the second computer pairs with the wireless box, will it destroy the pairing of the first computer with it?

Technology's wonderful if you're up to date with it or are 12 years old. My computer expertise stopped in 1997 when I stopped teaching IT. So advice would be appreciated (privately to save boring everyone else) from anyone with knowledge of this.


Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK

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