At 08:41 AM 11/6/05 -0000, Jean Nathan wrote:

>DH received an email from someone who picked up his details from a e-pal 
>site. He replied and, in return, got a message requesting him to fill in a 
>form to be on this person's approved list so his emails got through the 
>'Earthlink Spam Filter'. Neither of has had this happen before, and, as 
>we're ultra-cautious about doing anything which might generate more spam to 
>us, wondered if anyone has knowledge of this.

Earthlink does offer whitelisting, but if your DH responded from 
the same address that the message was sent to, the e-pal should 
have already put him on the whitelist when he sent the message.  

And all that's required for the whitelist --- I *think*, I don't use 
whitelisting myself, so I haven't read that part of the site -- 
and can't, now that Earthlink has "improved" its pages to be 
unresponsive to people not using the very latest operating system, 
(my e-mail address is apt to change Real Soon Now) --- 
all that's required for the whitelist is the e-mail address, 
which the e-pal already has.  And there's a back-up system which 
(if you are using the very latest and buggiest operating system *and* 
the worst browser) will allow you to look through the blocked mail 
for stuff that you should have whitelisted and didn't.  

So either this is bait or the e-pal doesn't want to correspond very much.  

Or maybe he can't get through to the Help pages either.

Joy Beeson (local weather)
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.

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