Dear Arachnes --
Possibly some Christmas present ideas from the Web here, easier than making 
lace! :<)

Twenty uses for useless CDs.

1)  Buy clock guts from a craft shop and make CD-clocks.
2)  <shuk shuk> PULL!!!  <BOOM!>  (plastic pigeons)
3)  Deadly missiles, especially when sharpened first with a knife blade
    and honed with the diamond-file thingy from your Leatherman.
4)  Put fake new labels on them and give them away as "cool games" to
    make the losers leave you alone.
5)  Put fake new labels on them to make them seem really important.
    Leave them around as decoys to prevent damage to your REALLY important
6)  Cut in half and sharpened as in item #3, they make curiously-shaped
7)  Enlarge the holes and mount them on your glasses.  Use as confusion
    devices or as prizes to bribe people to leave you alone.
8)  Using scotch tape, you can make a Jacob's Ladder thingy that flips
    and flops all the way down.
9)  Cut in half and connect to a neon-sign transformer to make a Jacob's
10)  Place them in strategic locations to bounce a laser beam from your
     desk to desks of various people who need to be tortured with lasers
     being played all over them.
11)  Use one or several to wedge a door shut.
12)  When nobody's looking, thread them on various cables and replace the 
13)  Cut into bow-ties.  Then with your pocket blowtorch, soften them and
     twist.  Caltrops!
14)  Place them in light fixtures to cause irritating glares in strategic
15)  Photocopy them.
16)  Sharpen as in item #3 (serrate if desired) and mount on a Dremel for
     use as a saw.
17)  Cut four notches from outer edge to almost the inner circle.  Heat
     with pocket blowtorch until soft and mold into a rough cone of about
     30 degrees.  Keep the notches clear and hole intact.  Stick this
     gadget into something where a lot of air comes out really fast (like 
     a car exhause).  Listen to the whistling noise.
18)  There is no use #18.
19)  Use your pocket blowtorch again to soften a CD and wrap it around a
     doorknob, mouse, drawer handle, or other small object.
20)  Use your pocket blowtorch yet again to form one into a saddle or
     taco shape.  Fasten to ceiling and pretend it's a spy camera.

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