At 12:33 AM 12/7/05 -0500, Tamara P Duvall wrote:

> Speaking of which... Running errands - postponed from yesterday (and 
> yes, Joy; I did sweep the snow off all the windows of my car as soon as 
> it stopped snowing last night, so I would be able to get out today. 

I thought my car was nice and clean Tuesday, because it hadn't 
snowed since I drove it on the day before -- but we had a heavy 
frost in the night.  

By good luck I'd intended to get to the dentist's office half an hour 
early.  Windows still weren't all that clear when I started moving -- 
stopped in the mouth of the driveway to give them a few more 
scrapes -- even though I had the engine running and the defrosters 
going all the time I was cleaning them off.


Later -- home from my embroidery lesson.  I had to walk in the 
street because none of the walks were safe to use after dark.  
Met one pedestrian and no cars!  

(But I was overtaken by a long string, presumably released from 
the stoplight at the entrance to the village.) 

The class is down to two boys, but they are both doing very well.  

8 December 2005  

> The bangle ones - in both silver- and 
> gold-coloured metal, at $4.98 might work as frames for ornaments, 

Cool!  Cheap, glittery bangles are one of the things I miss about 
dime stores.  The next thing you know, someone will be selling 
the elegant little bottles of cologne.   Vermont Country Store *has* 
brought back Evening in Paris -- but it's parfum in the pretty blue 
bottle, not cologne, and it's *far* from a dime-store price.  The 
whole point of a dime store is that the nifty stuff is stuff that a child 
can buy with its own money.  

And funny books will never be seen again.  The distribution system 
broke down and cannot be replaced, which is why comix cost so 
much more than funnybooks, and why every place you find 
paperbacks, it's all the *same* paperbacks.  But electronic publication 
may take care of that, if we can settle on a standard format and ditch 
DRM and other bugs that are put in on purpose.  See and

Joy Beeson (local weather)
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.

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