Hi All,

I wonder if I could jog a few (any?) memories of a wartime concert in Capetown
- maybe someone's parents/grandparents were there!

I ask because I am copying out my father's memories as a Signal
Operator/Cipherer in WW II, and Dad says that, when his troopship docked in
Capetown for just a couple of days in March 1941, apparently, the troops
staged a concert in what Dad describes as a wonderful theatre.  They played to
about 2000 people, and the theatre had a roof which opened and closed.   (En
passant - Dad must have looked quite a sight as he embarked on said troopship
in Glasgow - not only a kitbag and several extra blankets over one shoulder,
but a double bass over the other!    Apparently, he raised a cheer or two as
he stomped up the gangplank!)

I would love to be able to tell him that somewhere in Capetown there is
someone who remembers the concert - so if any of our South African members
could jog their memories - or those of their elderly parents and families - I
would be delighted to hear.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Carol - in Suffolk UK.

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