Lynn wrote about Item number 8261102086 - BEETON'S BOOK OF NEEDLEWORK -- TATTING on ebay

<Just a question, this item is on ebay, but the person says that there is not shipping and handling because after she receives the money she will email a copy to the winner, is that legal?>

The original book appears to have 11 parts - tatting, crochet, knitting, neting embroidery, point lave, guipure d'art, Berlin work, monograms, initials and names, and pillow laces and lace stitches.

I have a copy published by Chancellor Press in 1986, which has no copyright information as we normally expect to see it. In it's place is:

Beeton's Book of Needlework was originally published
in Great Britain in 1870 by Ward, Lock and Tyler.
This facsimile edition published in Great
Britain in 1986 by
Chancellor Press
59 Grosvenor Street
London W1
All rights reserved
ISBN 1 85152 023 6
Printed in Czechoslovakia

I read this as Ward, Lock and Tyler have the rights to their edition, so no copies can be made of it. Copies can be made of the original published in 1870. So it would depend on which edition the seller has copied as to whether it is illegal or not. The picture in the description looks like a modern cover to me, so I'd be wary.

The later (properly bound) editions come up for sale quite cheaply and fairly frequently on ebay, and the original occasionally, but that sells for (what I consider to be) a high price.

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK

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