Just about to set up a simple bookmark. Pricking done, now spangling the bobbins. I am attending a craft fair on Bank Hol Monday, first time ever, and just want a simple demonstration piece if needed. I was going to plant some vegetable seeds today, but my plot is like a mud bath and it is raining! The authorities tell you to save and store water, but all my rainbutts are full up. that means that I have about 650 gallons of the stuff stored. My greenhouse is full of plants ready to go out, but it is a bit fresh to harden them off. Apart from that, I am not doing a lot at the moment, but hopefully after this week, when teaching finishes for me till September, I'll have time to make some lace, cross stitch etc., that is if it rains. Agnes Boddington Bobbin Maker - will ship worldwide.

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