When the rationing in the States ended after WWII my mother's Ladies' Aide Society at the local Presbyterian church decided to reinstitute their once a month potluck luncheons. A date was decided on and invitations went out. Tablecloths and napkins lovingly freshened after laying for such a long time. The place marks and tables were set up in the basement of the church. Dishes, silverware, small bowls for candy and nuts were set out, just in cases "somebody" brought them. Babysitters were arranged for the afternoon. There was a shortage of hair appointments at the local beauty salon. At the appointed hour all 13 members of the Mary and Martha Society descended the church steps carrying their luncheon offerings. All 13 had a very special treat for their friends. Jello was back on the shelves of the store and all 13 ladies had made their very own special Jello salad. Each one was different. Over the years that luncheon was fondly remembered and discussed over and yet over again by the participants.

Best Regards,
Carol Melton
Valley of the Sun, Phoenix, AZ USA

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