Got a mailing today, from one of my "Joke Exchange" buddies, with a list of bumper stickers -- supposedly "for real" -- and a little "introduction" by a -- purported -- "former Methodist minister".

My limited 'puter skills ("when in doubt, Google") won't let me confirm -- or refute -- neither of the claims (for real? ex-minister?), or determine what the guy -- if he exists -- is doing now. Google did come up with an entry for a "Jerry Paull" in Ohio... who'd been indicted for receiving child pornography via Internet, about a year ago. Can't tell what _he's_ doing now, either :)

Personally, I've seen only two of the bumper stickers on cars, but I live in a strong-red end of a red State (for non-Americans: "red" states are those which vote Republican, ie are pro-Bush; "blue" states vote Democratic). But, if I could turn my car into a circus wagon, without DH going appoplectic (not because of diff in politics; because of damage to the car-resale value <g>), I think I could happily plaster them all :)

Check 'em out:
Tamara P Duvall                  
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
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