Hi All,

I did three days this week - Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - in the
Hollytrees Museum in Colchester. demonstrating bobbin lace-making - the
museum is a sort of domestic museum with dolls' houses, domestic equipment
etc - and was busy for the whole six hours every day!    The lunchtime
sandwiches were gobbled between setting pins - it was a toss-up as to
whether I went without the sarnis and jiggered up the blood sugar, as I am
diabetic, or gobbled them up, and was prone to indigestion!!! - but the
local paper's photographer came, took photos, and pictures - of me and the
lace, as well as me and the little girl making lace - were in Wednesday's
local paper!    The write-up was OK too - not huge, but quite pleasing!

I had 'persuaded' my Better Half' to laminate some small bookmarks with my
details on one side, and 'I made lace with Carol' on the other, and every
person who tried received one, and they seemed to be quite
well-appreciated - it may be an idea for others to copy, as, to give credit
where credit is due, I 'borrowed' the idea from laminated bookmarks I had
purchased in the Lake District, and bookmarks with the Gt Clacton Lace Club
sold at their lace day quite a few years ago.  We actually finished three
snake bookmarks - one a day - so I was busy when I got home too, winding
more bobbins, and setting up the pillows.    (I must admit to being quite
surprised at the number of people who did 'Have-a-Go', but they did all seem
to be enthusiastic.)

So - it was a really enjoyable three days - hard work, especially as I had
had quite a bad time after the stent was taken out a week ago after the
kidney stone op.  Up to the Monday, I was dubious about how long I would be
able to cope but, as the Museum staff were wonderful - cups of tea and
coffee, and enquiries to my well-being every so often, as well as the fact
that I was making lace most of the time, and not moving around too much! -
made it really enjoyable.

Anyway - back home now, feeling an ache in my back and shoulders from
bending over lace pillows, but feeling quite happy about how well it all
seemed to go!

Carol - in Suffolk UK

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "the Mouzons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <lace@arachne.com>
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: [lace] Newspaper story on Line -- oops

>.  He had come in and watched Erin making lace on her own
> little pillow, and wanted to do an article on us.

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