On Aug 14, 2006, at 19:08, Linda & Bill Mitchell wrote:

A couple of year ago at the lace conference in Victoria there was a lace table for the raffle. At the time, I made note of the email addy of the maker: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Now that I'm ready to purchase one, I emailed this addy and it bounced back. Anyone have any information? This table was called (I think) "the Wolf Lace Stand" and it was really cool - even had a pattern
"easel" thingy!

Please don't tell me I'm back to square one! I've been carefully saving my

I don't think there's any way to convey bad news (for a Democratically-leaning, reality-based voter like myself, anyway <g>) other than to face the facts squarely :) All things must pass and I'm afraid your info is out of date on several "fronts"...

1) [EMAIL PROTECTED] used to be the e-mail address for Cathleen Belleville when she still had her own businensss (bitbetter). She's stopped using it after she's a) took a paying job with a corporation a year ago (and acquired their address as the work one) and b) her bitbetter address got so overran with spam she could no longer cope with it. She's ditched it and now has another one as her home address (and only checks it on weekends, she says). 2) The stand in question -- and yes, it's as useful as it's beautiful -- was made by the husband of one of the members of her guild (The Lace Museum LG, I think). I'm (almost) positive he no longer makes them; there's a vestige of a muddy memory which says that he stopped due to ill health and that he's no longer among the living.

Cathy's never been on chat and I suspect she's not even on lace anymore, due to the pressures of work. Since you've posted your message on an open forum, I feel it's enough of a permission for me to forward it to her (I do not feel I have the right to make her e-addresss open to everyone unless and until she does it herself in the IOLI directory), in hopes she'll be able to help you. Some other shards of my memory seem to suggest that the *plans* for making the table are "around" somewhere and she might know where.

Best of luck,
Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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