At 1:07 AM -0700 9/5/06, Alice Howell wrote:
 > Here they also collect waste every week and
 recycling only every
 other week.

That's the schedule for us this year, also.  However,
at the start of the year, they gave every house a
large rolling bin for recycling -- one that's big
enough to hold two weeks worth.  When we had tubs to
put things in, they picked it up every week.  I put
mine out only when I had enough to be worth the
effort. Sometimes even now I skip a pickup when I
don't have much in my big bin.
Alice in Oregon

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We've got the tubs - which in fact are quite heavy if filled with office paper. So we use one of the children's old plastic "boat" sleds to drag them to the curb. They used to say we could put out recycling in a regular trash can (the kind you can get with wheels) with a special label ... but they stopped picking it up as recycling even WITH the label. And now (a few years and a couple of companies later) they say you can use a trash can with a label - but papers MUST be in a bin. I think the larger containers just get too heavy with paper in them. We've given up on the idea of using the label, since their employees often don't bother to read it. After all the trouble of sorting, it's really annoying when it just goes into the trash anyway.
Martha Krieg   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  in Michigan

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