Here on the west coast of the US (in Washington State), the term 'downtown'
usually means 'in the heart of the city' or 'where the action/nightlife is' as
opposed to the outer areas and suburbs.  Nothing negative about the term here.

  Can someone in the US tell me what you mean by "downtown"?

  I was watching Jon Stewart's 'Daily Show' last night (the US show from the
  day before) and he mentioned the poisoning of the former Russian spy with
  Polonium 210. He said he had been at a sushi bar in "downtown London". I
  think this is meaningless to anyone from the UK.  I certainly have no idea
  what it means.

  The sushi bar in question is in Picadilly, which is in the heart of
  London's West End (the posh shopping area as opposed to the East End, which
  is definitely not upper class and mainly terraced Victorian housing - where
  I was born and lived for the first 22 years of my life). "Downtown" gives
  the impression of meaning  "run down". The only clue I've got is the song
  "Uptown Girl". Picadilly isn't run down, quite the opposite in fact.

  Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK

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