This is a new one for me - a little risque - came to us via a friend in Illinois and he got it from a friend in Germany.

A man wakes up in hospital, bandaged from head to foot. The Dr comes in
and says "Ah I see you've regained consciousness.

Now you most probably won't remember but you were in a pile-up on the
motorway. You're going to be OK, you'll walk again and everything, but
something happened.  I'm trying to break this to you gently but your
pen*s was chopped off in the wreck and we were unable to find it."

The bloke groans a bit, but the Dr goes on "But It's going to be
alright, we have the technology now to build you a new one that will
work as well as the old one did in fact.It doesn't come cheap though.
It's a thousand pounds an inch"

The bloke perks up at this, even though it's very expensive.

"So the thing is" the Dr says, "It's for you to decide how many inches
you want. It's something you'd better talk over with your wife, if you
had a five inch one before and you decide to have a nine incher she
might be put out. But if you had nine inch one before and you decide to
invest in a five inch one this time she might be disappointed. So it's
important to discuss it with her, as she will play a vital role in
helping you to come to a decision"

The bloke agrees,so the Dr comes back to see him the next day.

"So" says the Dr "Have you spoken to your wife ?"

"I have," says the bloke.

"Has she helped you to make a decision?" "She has," says the bloke.

"And what is it?" asks the Dr.

The bloke looks up and says...

"We're getting a new Kitchen".

Best Regard,
Carol Melton
Valley of the Sun, where it has been in the 80's for the last few days
Phoenix, AZ  U.S.A.

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