Many thanks to everyone for their various suggestions regarding getting rid of this invasive plant.

Will give some of them a go when I can get back out into the garden - we're under 6"+ of snow at the moment :( No cars can get up or down our lane, it's sheet ice where the snow has compacted because of the huge farm tractors that go up and down it each day - and the drivers don't stop to spread the salt grit from the heaps left by the Council;
we do it at risk of broken limbs - and the lane's still impassable :(

Regards,  Ann

----- Original Message ----- From: Ann McClean
To: Lace-chat
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: How to get rid of perennial Forget-me-Not - not cornflowers?

Trust me - it's Brunnera or perennial Forget-me-not that's giving me grief.

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