Can anyone help my lace group? One of the Yellow Pages sponsorship scenes that precedes the segments of the TV CSI group of programmes is driving us mad.

In one the "stupid American detective" says what he wants is "....... and some of those cute little jam rolls you British have at fancy parties." What cute little jam rolls? What is he talking about? The only ones we can think of are the small swiss rolls, sometimes with a jam filling, that are sold in packs of six or so. But do we have those at fancy parties? If we do, then I've never been to a fancy party.

Or perhaps we're just missing the point.

The other scenes are obvious. We can understand him not knowing what mushy peas are, and his ignorance of the Britain by thinking that Leicester is pronounced 'Lychester', Edinbugh as Eadinburoe, the Isle of Wight as the Isle of Wijit and getting their locations completely wrong, but the 'cute little jam rolls' is driving us nuts.

Please can someone return our sanity? You know what it's like when something this small nags at you - the itch that must be scratched.

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK
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