Dear Tamara,
I'll venture to make a couple of rebuttal comments on your weenie liberal thoughts. :)
I'll venture to make -- a weenie liberal -- one... :)

Nor is any kind of educational program. WIthout education, chances are that those guys, once released, will go out and do the only thing they know how to do -- commit more crimes.

The Sheriff has launched rehabilitative programs like “Hard Knocks High,” the only accredited high school under a Sheriff in an American jail, and ALPHA, an anti-substance-abuse program.

4) This has to be a minimum security prison. A tent city with nothing but barbed wire keeping the inmates separate from the rest of the world worked fine in the wilds of Siberia, where, if you escaped, you froze to death before you reached a community where you could do damage.

The Sheriff's prison is out in Florence, AZ. If you look at a map, Florence is out in the middle of the desert, albeit that civilization is moving his way. It is not a couple of strands of barbed wire for a fence. There is a chain link fence maybe 15 or more feet high with the rolled razor wire around the top. Then there are the guards. Who have guns. 'nuff said on that one. If you want further information about the tents, you could write to Glen Campbell - the Rhinestone Cowboy - as he spent some time in Sheriff Joe's tent city awhile ago for DUI and making a real nuisance of himself. Glen served his time and then on the last day had a mini concert for the inmates because Sheriff Joe ask him if he would entertain them. I think Sheriff said to the press something like "it's not like they are going to be going to any concerts any time soon".

5) The inmates have to be of certain age -- younger than what the army accepts currently. *One* middle-aged (not to mention elderly) inmate who drops dead from heat stroke, and the whole house of cards falls down.

It's pretty hard to collapse from heat stroke when all you are doing is sitting around in your pink under shorts. Water is not denied them. The guards are standing outside in the heat with their uniforms on. They aren't stripped down to their shorts. Believe it or not there are people here who work outside all day long 5 days a week year round. It might be 115 deg F. or it might be 50 deg F. but they are outside and not collapsing of heat stroke in the summer. All you have to do is stay hydrated. I forget the names of the organizations that watch over humans abusing other humans. Sheriff Joe has never been brought up on charges by any of those organizations nor has he ever been in court because of his treatment of his prisoners. So, I guess it must not be illegal or inhumane because he has been doing it now since 1993.

The Baseline Killer - Mark Goudeau - or the other two serial killers Dale Hausner and Samuel John Dieteman are NOT housed in tents. They are in regular jails with bars while they await trial.

It seems that you either love Sheriff Joe or you hate him - there does not seem to be any middle ground.

Tamara P Duvall                  
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

Best Regards,
Carol Melton
Valley of the Sun
Phoenix, AZ  U.S.A.

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