
Taffy was a welsh man,

I took the piece of beef,
And threw it at his head.
That would most probably be a chant for a ball game I reckon.

Why do you reckon so?

Mainly because we did have numerous rhymes for ball games where the ball was thrown AT someone on the last word of the ditty.

I shall gift the emroidered handkerchief to *you*!

It was a "select the next it" game, with everyone standing around in a circle singing the chant, while the thrower walked inside the circle, stopping for the next "it", when the song was over. And then the routine started over again. The trick was to time your walking speed so as to end in front of someone you liked -- and were willing to kiss, after dropping the hankie at his/her feet :)

I found this fascinating, for the game you describe is virtually the same as what we knew as "Drop the hanky" and I'm sure we had a chant for that too, but it wasn't yours and I can't for the life of me remember it now.

I don't know whether Candida's rhyme was ever supposed to *mean* anything -- most of those things seemed to care mostly about rhyme and rhythm and only superficially about making sense -- but I'd bet it was written by an Englishman, not a Welshman... There's nothing more uplifting than a bit of neighbourly "love" :)

I'd say you're pretty spot-on there.
David in Ballarat

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