Thank you, all fellow Aracheans, for your kind thoughts & wishes
of a quick recovery for my broken ankle. I wasn't chasing anyone,
Helen, just having a bicycle ride with my youngest son, who had
celebrated his 15th birthday the day before. I had to stop suddenly
so I wouldn't hit a parked car & the bike tipped over. It could have
been worse for me but my helmet made contact with the pavement
instead of my head. When I sat up I then realized that my right ankle
was hurting a lot & was swelling up very quickly. A local man phoned
for an ambulance which took me to the hospital where my leg was
x-rayed as they thought my knee might have been injured as well.
A fracture was diagnosed but due to some cartilage damage surgery
was needed to insert a plate with screws. There was a long wait as I
wasn't taken into the operating theatre until 23:00. I used the time in
the hospital to read the new Harry Potter book & finish knitting a pair
of socks for DH. I wanted to learn how to knit socks with circular
needles & from the 'toe up', which I think is much easier than from
the 'top down' method.

So, yes, I have nearly finished the length of lace for the front of the
blouse. Some bobbins were running out of thread quicker than I
expected, so I've decided to make 2 separate pieces for the front
& back of the American teacher's linen blouse.

And yesterday, DH came home with a parcel he picked up from the
Post Office, filled with some wonderful goodies from my lace friend
Laurie Hughes, who attended the IOLI Convention last week. You
really know how to cheer up an "injured lacemaker" who will be on
crutches for another 5 weeks, Laurie! I will be getting the stitches
removed tomorrow & hopefully my foot will return to its normal size
in a few more weeks. I'm just glad that it is summer & I can wear my
Teva sandals!!

BTW An American exchange teacher from Brooklyn, NY, is arriving
in Estonia next week to teach English in a small town named Antsla,
which is about 2 hours south of Tartu, closer to the Latvian border. I
hope to meet her when she comes thru Tartu on her way to Antsla.

Thank you, again, for all your thoughtful e-mails.

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