Hello Alice and all,

I use Mailwasher http://www.mailwasher.net/ which is a free little program that reads my email off my isp (internet service provider) _before_ I download it. I can scan the subject lines and even preview the content (not html). This is where it gets great. I can then bounce the email back to the sender without opening it. It then looks to the spammer like it was undeliverable and they take my name off their lists. I have had this email address for almost a decade and get very little spam as I bounce it back.

I also only use this email address for personal mail. When I enter contests or respond in any way to something online I use my hotmail or gmail accounts. One of my hotmail accounts is almost a decade old too and only recently has the spam level increased. Usually their filters catch it.

http://www.spamcop.net/ Spamcop is a reporting site. I believe it only takes registering with them and if we all reported it soon spam levels would drop.

Hope this helps someone.

Abbotsford, BC
Off to school!

At 05:22 PM 11/09/2007 -0700, Alice Howell wrote:
In this wide world of Arachne, someone may know where
to forward the scam messages that appear in my email.

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