> Apologies for double posting but I know there are local lacemakers who
> only subscribe to one or other of the lists!
> My class has been busily making lace for a tree to put in the local
> Christmas Tree Festival in the parish church. I went down tonight to set
> it up and was quite pleased with the finished article. I bought a 3 foot
> black tree and added a set of lights and all the lace we had made. Our
> youngest lacemaker in the class is 12 and she was thrilled to see her lace
> put on display. While I was setting up and wandering round afterwards I
> heard quite a few complimentary comments about the lace. There is no
> competition element this year they are purely for the fun of it. There are
> 57 trees throughout the church. Tomorrow and Sunday the church will be
> open to view, if the weather is good enough the tower will be open so you
> can climb up and view the area as well. Sunday evening there will be a
> service of celebration and we all get to take the trees down afterwards. 
> The church is C14th and needs a lot of repairs so this festival  raises
> money for that.
> Any lace makers in the area would be welcome - refreshments are available!
> St Mary's Baldock, Herts, UK.
> Please have a preview at:
> http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z265/lazydaisy25/  (I do apologise for
> the Disney overlay on the slideshow....)
> Lynne
> Baldock, North Herts, UK

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