In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Jennifer Audsley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>Oh, Patricia in Wales, you've given me a good laugh!
>>and I am sipping the last of my one person bottle of champaigne.
>A one-person bottle? Aren't the usual 750ml bottles for one person?

Jen, how am I supposed to drink my cough stuff (in a sherry glass) with
you making me fall off my perch like that (cough, cough, giggle,

DD2, Hannah, believes the 750ml bottles are one person, too - especially
as neither DH or I particularly like the stuff!

We went out for dinner on Christmas Day (to a fairly local Harvester
restaurant - we started going out about three years ago, mainly because
then I don't have to spend the morning cooking and DH doesn't have to
spend the afternoon washing up!) and then to DD1's for the afternoon and
evening - it was GD1's first Christmas and it looks as if she might get
the hang of unwrapping presents by the time her birthday comes round
next month! She'd had lots of noisy toys, and clothes, and was
determined to stay awake as long as possible. I'm doing my normal trick,
going down with a cold whilst I haven't got to go to work (it was always
the same at school, ill during the holidays!). Lace related presents
were a pair of bobbins and one of those circular Moravia (?) brooches
that you hang lace on the bars across the centre. Haven't got any lace
done, but at least I can now get to my pillow (for those on the Gazette
forum, we found the living room carpet on Christmas Eve)!

I can't say whether it was definitely Demon (our ISP) with problems
yesterday - we didn't have time to put the computer on! But, with the
news reports of all the sales, and umpteen million spent in on-line
shopping sprees, I'm amazed the lot didn't grind to a halt!  

Jane Partridge

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