Thanks for all the various suggestions.  I did find a
hotel, small and basic, that's half the price of the
County Hall Inn.  It's near my train station so I
don't have to haul luggage very far.  I can travel all
over town on the bus that passes the corner of the
block.  It's also close to the tube station, but I
prefer not to ride the tube.  The bus is more

It should work very well for the short time I'm there.

Next I need to get a bus pass so I don't have to
fumble with correct change.  I can get that from my
local travel agent.

I look forward to my visit to Victoria and Albert
Museum on Sunday June 22.  If any of you are in London
on that day, you can join me.  I'll remind you later,
closer to that date.  If would be fun to meet another
Arachnian and perhaps have lunch together in the
museum's cafe.

I remember the gathering ten years ago before Arachne
98 Conference.  There were a bunch of us in London
before going to Nottingham.  We ended up with 22
people at lunch.  We took over a good part of the
museum cafe.  Then we attended a lace lecture that
happened to be scheduled that day.  Surprised the
speaker very much because she usually had only 2-3
people at a time.

My next major hotel search will be in Paris.  I don't
yet have a clue as to even which section of town would
be practical to use as a base.  My current plans will
involve three different rail stations on three
different sides of town.  I'll be studying Paris maps
and info for the next couple weeks.

Thanks again to all who gave me London hotel

Alice in Oregon -- rain again, but pink trees are
starting to show around town.

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