I sent Tamara's email on to several friends thinking they like to see the cute 
doggy.  Instead, I got this reply from a friend's husband who had not read down 
to the link.

        v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} 
w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);}        
st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }           Janice,
  I presume that this person is talking about the equivalent of formatting your 
hard drive.
  If so is, it is ALWAYS an extremely drastic step to take unless you really 
know what you are doing.
  What is happening to the hard drive that it isn’t working so well? 
  If you take this step I would caution you to back up ALL of your data onto 
cd’s so that you do not lose any of your photos, music, emails etc.
  There is a program that I use to clean my PC on a regular basis. This gets 
rid of ALL .tmp files, IE History etc. and it is a free program.
  IMHO I would try and ‘clean’ the hard drive rather than wiping unless there 
is a major conflict and the errors that keep on happening are really serious. 
It takes a lot to restore a Laptop back to the point where you have everything 
as you want it. Believe me this is the voice of experience speaking as I have 
just had to do this to my desktop PC and it took the best part of three weeks 
to get it where I now have it.
  Do a Google search for CCleaner, note the double ‘CC’, download it, install 
it, run it. Select analyze. When you run it for the first time it may take 
sometime as it is looking for all the garbage stored on your machine. Then 
select run cleaner and this will remove all of the stuff that it has found. The 
link is below. Cut and paste into your Internet explorer.
  I use this here at home and also in my office environment very successfully. 
It will NOT remove anything that the machine uses on a permanent basis.
  You will be surprised at just how much junk it will find.
  If at the end of the day this still does not help then I know that Jeff 
Berman has somebody who could possibly also assist.
  Hope that this helps.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check for class spaces, many are full.

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