Posting this here because it has nothing to do with lace, but related to what was being discussed there.

There were a couple of comedians performing (one is now dead) called the Two Ronnies (Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett). Barker wrote many sketches under an assumed name because he didn't know if they would be good enough. One was set in a (probably) German cafe about a customer wanting ham and eggs, and was based entirely on letters of the alphabet.

Ronnie Corbett: L.O.
Ronnie Barker: L.O.
Ronnie Corbett: R.U.B.C?
Ronnie Barker: S.V.R.B.C.
Various Characters: [enter waitress carrying a large ham on a silver salver] L.O.
Ronnie Barker: L.O.
Ronnie Corbett: L.O.
[exit waitress into kitchen]
Ronnie Corbett: F.U.N.E.X?
Ronnie Barker: S.V.F.X.
Ronnie Corbett: F.U.N.E.M?
Ronnie Barker: 9.
Ronnie Corbett: I.F.C.D.M.
Ronnie Barker: [insistently] V.F.N.10.E.M.
Various Characters: [enter waitress from kitchen still carrying the ham] A. V.F.M.
Ronnie Corbett: R.
Ronnie Corbett: O.
Various Characters: C. D.M.
[exit waitress into kitchen]
Ronnie Barker: O.S. V.F.M.
Ronnie Corbett: O.K. M.N.X.
Ronnie Barker: M.N.X.
Ronnie Corbett: F.U.N.E.T?
Ronnie Barker: 1 T.
Ronnie Corbett: 1 T.
Ronnie Barker: O.K. M.X.N.T.
[he finishes writing it on his pad with a flourish and calls at the kitchen door]
Ronnie Barker: M.X.N.T.4.1.

They did another very famous one on different word meanings and pronunciation known as "Four candles" set in an old-fashioned hardware shop with the customer asking for various items and the shop keeper coming up with the wrong things. Examples were:

"Four candles" - "fork handles" - handles for forks.

"ose" shop keeper produced hose (stockings), garden hose for watering- wanted letter Os for a house name Mon Repose.

The whole script is on The actual sketch is on utube

Wonderful what you can do with language.

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK

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