In answer to the following, you could try contacting the English Civil War Society through

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK

<For many years I've had years a military draft (conscription) document
signed and sealed by the James 4th Duke of Lennox and Jerome 2nd Earl of
Portland, and is dated 12 December 1636.  It commissions a man with "the
charge and leadinge of all the able men from the age of sixteene to
threescore furnished and unfurnished to be taken within the hundreds of
Odiham and Crondall."  It is a form letter, with all spaces completed
with the name of the man commissioned, where to bring them, who is in
charge, etc.  My late father found this piece of paper folded up and
stuck inside an old book in a second-hand bookseller's.  I think he paid
25 cents for an uninteresting book just so he could get this
interesting-looking "old document" stuck in its pages.

I'm curious to know if such a thing would be considered a rare document,
would this be something of significant interest to history buffs or
historians, does it have any value, etc., as well as suggestions for
preservation, if other than a good quality acid-free sleeve.

Please respond privately.>

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