Transparency sheets can be purchased at office supply stores, at lease by the
box, some places will have 'folders' of fewer sheets also.  I believe these
can be used with 'ink jet' printers, just check to be sure first.  Again it
may take a little longer for the 'ink to dry'.  Acetate is also a term used
for these sheets.  They are used for overhead projectors.

Lorri,  Graham, Washington, USA where it snowed 4" last night but most of it
is melted by 2 pm. today.

  You could cut out that part but how are you going to get the right filling
  pricking under the original pricking when you have a mass of pins holding
  lace down? You would be better to make a transparency of the filling
  and lay it over the area and prick through that onto the original blank

  We just took a class with Debbie Beaver where she explained how to do it.
  even gave us a transparency for an enlarged filling pricking for when we
  to that part of the project. We were doing her Art Nouveau class where you
  decide on your fillings later. I don't have any transparency paper but I
  thinking of printing it on tracing paper or vellum. The latter might take a
  little longer for the ink to dry though.

  Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

  Hi All

  I was just reading through the Lace guld Honiton book and reading how the
  filling patterns are done, I know at the moment I am jumping the gun as I
  a while yet before I get to a pattern with fillings but my question is. Is
  possible to cut out the middle of the pricking where the filling will go
  before you put it on the backing card and then place the filling pattern
  it, so then you have the complete pattern on the pillow at the begining.
  Little things that go through my mind. So glad you are out there to help.

  Wendy St Dogmaels<>.

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