On Aug 7, 2009, at 18:04, Alice Howell wrote:

In the USA, 'gas' is what we call petrol. It was clear...left no marks... but the smell drives me nuts.

All the cleaning suggestions for fabrics end with saying NOT to dry it in a dryer because any residue could combust. Drying in air is recommended until any trace of odor is gone.

I may have to wash, rinse, re-soak my lace for several days before it's clear of the stuff.

Yup. Though hanging out in the breeze works better than washing :)

How I know... The first (*and last*, let me tell you <g>) time I tried to gas up my car by myself, I messed up so badly, I could have served as a wick -- I was *drenched* in the smelly stuff.

I used the gas station's restroom to wash some of the stuff off of me -- since I smoke, I was seriously worried about setting myself on fire -- and emerged *almost* as smelly as before though, presumably, the evil stuff was somewhat diluted. I also discovered that I'm alergic to gasoline; wherever it landed on the skin (face and hands), the skin went red and puffy.

When I got home -- some 6 hrs later -- the smell was somewhat less. The entire outfit -- from the outer jacket (it was winter) to the underpants and bra -- went into the washing machine. Three times. And emerged smelling of soap and gasoline. I almost decided to throw everything away but the jacket was the only one warm enough, so I kept wearing it, smell or no. And, after about a week, the smell was almost gone. So I hung the rest of the "ensemble" out on the deck and left it to the elements for a week. With the smell all gone, I then ran all the pieces through the washer again...

I know which jacket it was -- it's still my favourite -- but can't remember what else I wore that day and can't tell any more.
Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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