On 2/25/10 10:49 PM, Tamara P Duvall quoted:

I mean the GPS looked pretty smart on my dash board, but
. . . Every 10 minutes, she would sarcastically say, "Re-cal-cu-lating."

DH and I enjoy teasing Mia; it breaks up the monotony of a
long drive.  But now that we know exactly how long each fork
confuses her, the novelty is off and sometimes we turn her off.

There's one corner where she has to start a new calculation
before she finishes the previous calculation several times. When she settles down, she admits that we are going the best way.

We also enjoy trying to figure out what algorithm she's
using to pronounce words.  It's easy to see why she reads
"co[unty]" as "koh", though I'd never have figured out what
she meant without the label on the map.  It's less easy to
see why "Pierceton" comes out as "peer-settin" -- does she
see me a-settin' on my pier?  And where on Earth does she
find the subtle "yuh" in "Indianapyulus"?  Perhaps an OCR
error changed "Indianapolis" into "Indianapulis".

(just in case the Major read this far)
I'm back, by the way.  And this fits the theme of
"tech-challenged seniors".

Something called my attention to the Lace mailbox several
weeks back, and I thought it odd that the last time I didn't
delete a message right after reading it was last May.  Took
a few weeks to verify that I wasn't getting any mail, a
while longer to suspect that I'd been unsubscribed somehow,
and quite a while after that to remember that I can ask
Majordomo about it.  So I sent a "subscribe" message and got
a "welcome new member" message.

Joy Beeson
http://n3f.home.comcast.net/ -- Writers' Exchange
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
where the sky is bright and it has stopped snowing.

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