Agnes Boddington wrote:
I still have my text book from a shorthand course I did when I was 15. I used shorthand for many years at school, university, work and still use it for general notes and lists and such like.
And, of course, I do it in Dutch.
Agnes Boddington - Elloughton UK

I still use my shorthand - Pitman 2000, especially for taking telephone messages.

This discussion has reminded me about a temp job I did as secretary to a bank manager. He used to reel off his letters really fast and I could barely keep up. Once I couldn't read a shorthand outline and had to ask him what the word was. He pulled a piece of paper out of the bin and there was the letter he'd dictated - written in longhand. The reason he dictated so fast was because he was reading!! Goodness knows why he didn't just give me the handwritten letter to copy type I don't know. Must have been something to do with the status symbol of having a secretary to take dictation. So glad the job only lasted a week.


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