Clay Blackwell wrote:
> Oh my... looking at the women holding those little dead animals made me shudder to think what the animal rights people would do with that "fashion" now!!!

They give me the creeps - especially those little glass eyes looking reproachfully at you. I couldn't bear to have to touch one myself. As an animal rights supporter myself, (although not a radical activist), I can only disapprove; but as a historian, I try to remain detached and report what I see without allowing in too much of my own prejudices. At present I'm studying some late C15th inventories, which has drawn me into a study of the trade in squirrel fur, and the medieval fur trade in general. The details I've discovered certainly give me the shudders. Fine ladies would have their overgowns completely lined with rows and rows of little oblongs of fur - you can see pictures with the skirt train turned up to display them. But - for balance - I try to think about all those people who were suffering from real cold shudders during the Little Ice Age.
Linda Walton.

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