One my brother sent me... don't think we've seen this one before....

        The Benefits Of Green Tea ...

       A woman goes into the doctor's all bruised and beaten up pretty badly.
       The Doctor says, "My god .. what happened?"

The Woman replied, "Doctor, I don't know what to do. Every time my husband
       comes home after a few beers he beats me up."

       The Doctor says, "Well, I have a really good remedy for that.
When your husband comes home drunk, just make a cup of green tea, take a
       sip and start swirling it in your mouth. Don't drink it, just swirl it
       around and around for a while."

       Two weeks later she comes back to the doctor and looks all healthy and
       fresh again.

The woman says, "Doctor, that green tea thing is brilliant! Every time my husband comes home drunk, I sip and swirl repeatedly with green tea and he
       never touches me now."

       The Doctor replied, "Excellent ... so now you can see why keeping your
       mouth shut is such a good idea!!!"

Jane Partridge

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