The point is, that if they search lace info, your email address is accessible
to anyone, and some troll for email address, or to find you, or lace
connections.  It si clear that it is of no concern to you, but other may and
do have concerns, which I completely understand.

Just now I googled Arachne
Lace Archives (but there are many other ways), and put in "Jean" or anything
lace, your names comes up with all your posts and if your email isn't shared
immediately, you can click on "email" and your email address comes up
immediately to write to, or for some, to spam, etc.  

In the US, some info
sites have your email address (including much other pertinent info) on
people.  It is a valid concern for people as the internet grows and changes,
and it was shared on one knitting list that they can find everything about you
excepting every personal habit.

Susan Reishus

".....Privacy and
security need to be considerations, please.

I use my name
as my e-address (as
do some other members of  Arachne), and I 
reservations about using any
account where  the world outside of 
Arachne has
access to it and might build
up a  data base to sell and or send 
mail to us."    Jeri Ames in 
Maine USA

I understand the concern, Jeri,
but this may be naive as posts
go to Arachne and are up for public viewing. 
If email addresses aren't
obvious, then you can click on the bottom of the
email to respond to the
poster, and get the email address to respond to an old
post, so there isn't
privacy in posting to Arachne Lace Chat, either.

Susan Reishus

There is a difference. Just about everyone in the world is
aware of
Facebook.How many are aware of Arachne?

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK
Actually, when you google 
someone's name, their Arachne
will come up, but not Facebook 
unless they have it set for
public viewing. 
You are more exposed on 
Arachne than Facebook, and Facebook
will only give a
name, not your email, and you have to give permission to
receive it, but with
Arachne, they can post you regardless...but hopefully
won't open it.

Susan Reishus

Why would anyone want to google my name?

I haven't been
bothered by junk mail or anything else, so obviously no-one 
has bothered so

You can avoid your arachne posts/name/email address appearing on the
archive by sending your emails to or . Only those addressed to appear in the
archive. That's why not everything you receive in your mail box is in the

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK

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