The list has been quiet.  We need some more conversations started. 

Here is some more of what's happening with me.

My deceased DH left supposedly six cars, about 12 scooter or motorcycles, and
3 storage units.  I'm rid of all of them, except for some paperwork.  I made
one phone call to a man who took some of it, and knew someone who would take
the rest of it.  And the bonus part of the bargain was cleaning out the shop,
garage and basement.  I have bare floors that I haven't seen in 30 years. 
I'm setting up my woodworking tools in the shop and have the garden tools in
the garage.  The basement will have some shelving with limited storage area
for Christmas decorations, and such.
I should explain -- after selling the six cars, I learned I owned two more. 
One was a dune buggy and I gave it away.  The other is a Lloyd Auto in poor
condition.  I have two offers to buy it but haven't received real bids on it
yet.  I'm still trying to find paperwork on the thing.  I think DH was going
to fix it up and give it to me as a surprise.  It could be a really cute
little car.

I'm actually using the back door through the garage and shop to exit and enter
when the car is parked on the parking pad instead of in the street.  It's a
much shorter route, especially when it's raining.  It does confuse the cats
when i enter from the back instead of the front door.  The charger for the
electric car is back there so it has be be parked there a couple nights a week
for recharging.

Tuesday the electrician is coming to install plug-ins in the shop so I can run
the equipment, and to check out some lights that don't work so I can see at
Now --- I just need to find an elf to magically go through the boxes of stuff
DH left in the house. <G>  I don't think he ever threw anything away.
The memorial service has been set for Oct. 10.  I don't look forward to that
day, but I think the service is needed.  DH was very well known and well
liked all over town.  I expect a large crowd so am using the Museum Chapel
that seats 150 in the pews and has room for 100 extra chairs.   The
reception will be at my church and I don't expect all the attendees to come to
it.  At least, I hope they don't all come.  That space would be really
packed if all come.  It will be interesting whom the church gets to handle
the reception since usually I'm the person they come to.  And my assistant
will be out of town.

Since DH's family is a long way away from here, I don't expect more than 5 of
them to come.  Maybe only 2.  There could be from 3 to 10 of my family
attending.  The church, Kiwanis, Downtown Association, Museum volunteers, 
and local theater people will make up most of the crowd. A few of my lace
friends will come.
Meanwhile, I'm trying to maintain a normal schedule of activities --  like
the demo yesterday at the historical museum.  I just finished the
third-from-last square of my tablecloth.  Only two squares to go!!! 
Tomorrow I can sew it into the main cloth, and rewind the bobbins for the next
square.  I have only five weeks before my lace exhibit, and lots to do to
prepare for it.  I'll have three weeks to concentrate on it after the
memorial service.  That will have to be enough time.  There's lace meetings
on Sep 26 and Oct 1. And our annual Lace Day is Oct. 3.  It will be a busy
Keep lacing.  It can keep you sane with the whole world seems to turn upside
Alice in Oregon

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