I have sitting in front of me two reels of Madeira Metallic thread. One
arrived this am by post (no 2) and the other (no 1)  in a similar fashion
the day before. They are meant to be identical ie same number but the
threads look totally different in colour. It's meant to be a blue, pink,
gold thread no 280 . Thread no 1 is, thread no 2 is more a green, dark blue,
pink thread. You could not use them in the same piece. I ordered no 2 10
days ago and when it was delayed by non delivery from Madeira , I ordered no
1 with some other bits and bobs ( being keen eager and having an empty
pillow!) and they arrived promptly in two days. So I believe no 2 is the
latest version (thick black type and a translucent reel) while no1 is older
on an opaque reel.
does anyone know why the thread has changed colour?? I much prefer the no1
as it's much brighter and 'bluer'. I can use the other but what do I do to
match them up if I order again.

Yours in confusion in sunny North Herts and about to go and get more
confused at a BBQ (VBG),

Lynne Cumming
Baldock, North Herts, Uk
"Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the
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