When I was a child, about seven yers old, I remember my parents taking me to
Cardiff Museum in South Wales, England.  I was most interested in a display
of costume that showed a woman's cloak held together at the top by a very
large thorn.  (maybe hawthorne, I do not know).

I have a pair of horn bobbins made by a man in Bewdley, Worcestershire. This
little town was famous for items made from animal horn, including horn

I also posses several pairs of plain and decorated bone bobbins which are
quite unlike ivory bobbins. The bone bobbins have little streaks within
them.  I wish I could remember where I read instructions for making bone
bobbins, including how long you had to boil the shin bone (beef cattle) and
how long you had to keep it (or not) as the case may be. I do not know if
the bobbins were turned from the bone when it was soft, or hard.  In the
nineteenth century they used to dye the bone and colour the bobbins green as

I am sure that  bobbins were made from any suitable material available.  I
do not use my glass bobbins, in case they break, but I know several
lace-makers who do, without damage.

Angela Thompson after a very successful and fine-day family Wedding, last

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