Thank you for all your comments about using Continental bobbins.  I shall
definitely try them.  It hadn't occured to me that a different pillow shape
might work better with continentals, or that you could lace with the palms
facing up.  I have a slightly domed 16" pillow at the moment, but am thinking
of buying a block pillow to do longer lengths of lace.  The bolster pillow -
is that a sausage-shaped (cylindrical) pillow, with the bobbins hanging off
it?  Can this be used to make Torchon and Bucks Point? At the moment I'm doing
miniature Torchon (for dolls houses) but want to try Bucks Point soon.

I like the suggestion of using velvet under the bobbins to stop them rolling
around - will try that.

I was also interested in the description of RA as inflaming the ligaments etc
around the joints.  The rheumatologist who dealt with my RSI 18 months ago
found I had high levels of rheumatoid factor in my blood, but said there was
no other indicator of RA.  But I wonder if it is a factor in my problems -
although the RSI was originally tendonitis in  my right wrist/forearm caused
by mouse-clicking, at its worst it seems to affect many
ligaments/tendons/muscles in both forearms and wrists.  I'm encouraged that so
many people here have problems with their hands but still manage to make

Thank you again,


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