Hello Everyone!

What a wonderful time we had in England, especially for me since I was able to
fit in some great "lace" adventures!!  I'm still not sleeping that well and am
awake early so decided I might as well get up and tell you about it.

We arrived in London on Tuesday morning where a coach was waiting to take us
to Windsor -  we settled into our hotel, the Castle Hotel which is on High
Street and only a 5 minutes walk or less from the Castle.  Each day in
Windsor, we had free time until 4 o'clock practice so on Thurs, I took the
train to meet Julie Nicholls and we went to Syon House, the stately home of
the Duke and Duchess of Northumberland.  We toured their beautiful home and
then enjoyed the lunch that Julie brought, sitting on a bench, looking down
the Thames River - a perfect day!

Friday, Jill Treeves (another lacemaker) and her boyfriend, Adrian, came to
Evensong and then treated me to English pizza on High Street and a Haagen Das
ice cream cone which we enjoyed as we walked to Eton.  It was great to get to
know them and hear about Jill's interests - she works a lot with colour and
her teacher's modern designs.  I had made cover cloths using a black fabric
with the Canadian Provincial, floral emblems and the names of the Provinces.
She was so pleased and has written to say she's keeping guard over it at her
lace classes :)  A great evening!

Sat., we were up early and on the train to London where we went to the London
Eye and had a "flight" - most interesting to see the sights of London from a
huge "ferris wheel" - moves very slowly and about 20 people are in each
"bubble".  We left there and took several subway trains to get to the Royal
Albert Hall where we thoroughly enjoyed the Proms Concert - special music
geared to all the children in the audience and of course, ending with Pomp &
Circumstance.  It was great!  We left as soon as the last note died and made
it back to Waterloo Station to catch our train back to Windsor, in time for
practice.   After Evensong, the Dean and his wife had a reception in the
Cloister for us as a Thank You for our contribution to the life of  St.

Sunday was busy with 3 services but again, all went well and we enjoyed
singing in such an historic place.  I did see the embroidered hangings by
Beryl Dean which are hung in the Rutland Chapel and are absolute works of
art!!  On Sunday afternoon, the gate was open to the Chapel so I was able to
get up close for a really good look.   I was sorry that I was unable to take
pictures - no pictures are allowed.  That evening, Julie Nicholls and Anne
Nicholas attended Evensong and then we linked up afterwards and went for a
bite to eat in a Cafe in the old Station.  It was great to meet Anne, having
only made contact via email - she was Julie and my "go-between" before Julie
was online.  We had a great visit and of course, talked lace :)  They also
were pleased with their Cover Cloths.

We travelled  by coach to Salisbury on Monday - truly an amazing Cathedral!
We settled in our lodgings in "The Close" and then set out to explore after
having had lunch over at the Choir School.  Those of us who stayed at the
Choir School Dorm had 3 meals included every day and they were Super! Lucky we
did lots of walking :)  I called Jan Gardiner and we confirmed plans for lunch
together at the Museum on Tuesday.  We had such a great time viewing the
second floor Lace and Costume display - Jan really knows her lace - her
comments were most informative.  We enjoyed lunch afterwards before she had to
head back to work.  She brought along a block pillow that she had purchased
for me, if I wanted it, at the Lace Day on the 26th of July.  As you can
imagine, I didn't hesitate and am now using my lovely English pillow for the
veil lace :)  After she left, I poked around in the Museum shop and found
bobbins and lace hasti notes which was a nice surprise.  Downton lace is the
lace of the area and is quite lovely.  On the last day of our stay in
Salisbury, Mary, one of our choir members, found 2 Downton lace pattern books
at the Museum that I had missed  so I zipped over and bought them before it

On Wednesday, we went by coach to Winchester where we gave a noonhour concert
and then sang Evensong before heading back to Salisbury.  Jeanette, another C
member, took me to a needlework shop close by and I picked up an interesting
glass bobbin and some thread.

Thursday, Mary and I took the 8:40 train to Honiton where we had a wonderful
time visiting the Honiton Lace Shop, The Museum and the cute little church.  I
did have fun in the LS and made several purchases including a large
pillow-carrying bag made in the Honiton fabric, a vinyl tote and some gifts
for friends.  We inquired and found a darling little Tea Room where we had
"Cream Tea" with wonderful Devon cream.  The following day, we took the train
again and went to Bath where we saw the Roman baths etc. etc. and the Abbey -
most interesting!

Saturday is market day and guess what, I bought a suitcase!!!  We were limited
to one on the way over but several people stayed on for holidays after the
trip so there wasn't a problem with luggage on the coach.  The Market was
fantastic - everything there but the kitchen sink!!  After the market, I went
to the Cathedral and was able to speak to the Head Verger who very kindly,
showed me drawer after drawer of beautifully embroidered Vestments - what a
thrill and a privilege.  Andrew, one of the other Vergers then took me over to
the large cabinet where the Communion Burse and Veil sets are stored.  I had
asked if they had any lace but they said  "No, didn't think so".  They were
wrong - there were several beautiful pieces and again, I felt so privileged to
view the beautiful lace and embroideries - breathtaking!!!

All in all, the trip was most memorable and I'll be set to go again anytime
:))  Now, down to DD's wedding details - I've passed the 2 yard mark on the
lace for the wedding veil and tonight, made up the garter, ready for a gift
for the Bridal Shower next Sunday afternoon.  I feel as if I'm on a new Roller
Coaster!  DD arrives in Toronto from Japan tomorrow evening so the flurry

Hope all is well with each of you and that you are enjoying your summer.

Take care

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