Dear Lacemakers,

I've just detoured from reading and writing - and looked at the IOLI Website. 
 It seems to me the instructions for payment of dues are well explained.  
Also that the arrangements currently in place are appropriate for the rather low 
numbers of people from overseas who belong at this time.

Click on the menu item "Membership".

Now, I'd like to share a little information about the representative from 
Europe, Betty Manfre of Milano, Italy.  You can look at the list of officers at 
the above site, and click on the name of any officer with whom you wish to 

I first met Betty at Ithaca last October.  She taught a class in Cantu lace 
and also was a speaker.  Her topic was the Lace Schools in Italy (I don't have 
the Finger Lakes Lace Guild's promotional material in front of me, so it may 
not be the exact title.)  What I remember most was that map of Italy, and the 
many dots indicating Lace Schools - all over the country.  It stunned me.  It 
was clear that local governments and private citizens in Italy consider the 
continuation of their lace traditions to be of utmost importance.  Italy is an 
important lace country about which we need to learn more, but because of 
language difficulties it has not been easy.  Betty is attempting to help.  She has 
written for the IOLI Bulletin - most recently about bobbin lace from Gorizia, 
Italy, on page 23 in the Summer issue.  She also wrote a column in the April 
2003 Lace Guild's (U.K.) bulletin on page 43.

Betty was at the IOLI convention.  She was introduced and spoke briefly at 
one of the large meetings, I think the business meeting, and I think her topic 
was regional representatives.   I also had a lengthy personal discussion with 
her.  So - you know she is fluent in English, as well as Italian!

Actually, Betty lived in the U.S. for quite some time, and her adult children 
live in the U.S.  How nice it is to have a knowledgable lace representative 
in Italy with whom we can communicate.  Is it too much to hope this will 
eventually lead to her being able to influence some publishers of Italian lace books 
to provide us with English translations???  Optimists unite!!

Jeri Ames in Maine USA
Lace and Embroidery Resource Center

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