
I hopw that Christine Springett won't sue me over copyright if I quote out of 
her book - Snakes Galore but her caveat is as follows:

"You are welcome to photocoy these patterns to make your pricking and to sell 
the snakes you make as fund-raiser for charity but I would ask you to respect 
my copyright by not passing on these photocopies to other lacemakers, ... we 
would welcome the opportunity to send your friends or students their own 
personal copy!"

I think this is one of the nicest ways of saying - don't STEAL.

Here's a thought ... in Judaism there are a set of laws call Lashon Hara - 
which basically cover 'bad mouthing' people.  Why is this such an issue - 
because if you repeat bad press about someone or say something nasty you steal their 
reputation.  I believe that stealing someone's thoughts is just as bad - but 
when you photocopy a pattern you have done just that.

I'm off to play with my chutney now


In a message dated 28/08/2003 20:08:41 GMT Daylight Time, 

> I have no objection to my patterns being shared - but the courtesy of
> being asked is a small price to pay, maybe.  Likewise I have no
> objections to the lace being made for sale - for genuine charitable
> causes - but for someone to do this without asking permission would be
> in breach of copyright.


Liz Beecher

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