I've been playing spot the lacemakers' stool on Lori's lacemaker art pages,
which cover various countries. I think there are three possible foot rests
in the art album, but only judging from the angle of the knees - no stools
are visible:


Nos 17, 50 and 55 (might not be the actual number, but that's the number
that appears at the bottom of the window when you put your mouse pointer
over the thumbnail picture on the right).

and the postcard page:


nos. 3 and 19 clearly have foot rests (no 19 with fancy legs), and two are
stitting on the ground - 15 and 46.

They don't appear to be that common though, and the ages of the lacemakers
run from children to what appear to be ladies in their 70s.

Jean in Poole

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