Hi everyone...

There is a wonderful pillow stand on ebay which was created
by John Beswick in OZ and is something I would love to own.
As I already have two perfectly good stands, I really can't
justify another.  But truthfully - with over four days to
go, the bidding has gotten out of line already!!

If you're interested in bidding on this and really MUST have
this stand, then please let John Beswick be the beneficiary
of your hard-earned money!!  He is good at what he does and
would be happy to ship a stand like this to you!!  At the
price the stand on ebay is selling for, I believe that most
people (world wide) would be able to get the stand for the
same or less.  You have to consider that over and above the
price bid, there will be charges for shipping. - and it's
not a light-weight piece.

To contact John about ordering his stand, please write to

In the price list I have from him, the table lists for $120
(AU$).  This converts to about $86 (US), 53.46(Pounds
Sterling), $113 (Canadian dollars) or 74 Euros.  So bid
accordingly, or write to John!!  (And bear in mind that he
has to charge you for shipping as well...)


Clay Blackwell
Lynchburg, VA

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