Dear Lacemakers,

Many times questions are asked on Arachne that would receive better replies 
if more specific info was given.  For example:

1.  If you are a *newbie*, and want to find other lacemakers or a guild, it 
would help if you told more than your state name.  You may be nearer another 
state that has a lace group, than a group in your own state.  If you don't want 
to give the name of your town - how about saying something like "50 miles west 
of Boston", or whatever.  This would also apply to people near a national 
border, such as Canada/U.S. -- a great lace group may be just across the border!

2.  If you are *traveling*, and want to know about lace events, exhibits, 
people you might want to meet:  Be sure to write enough in advance.  Some people 
write just a couple days before their trips, and with very sketchy info (does 
not give people who let their digests pile up a chance to be helpful).  Please 
give dates (if your home is secure) - there might be a local meeting you will 
be invited to attend, or a lacemaker willing to squire you around and be your 
translator.  If you are concerned about safety, ask on behalf of a "friend".  
If you give only a place name being visited, it's a problem.  If you'll be 
there only on Monday, in many parts of the world museums are closed on Mondays.  
Give the people who will be answering a chance to really help you with very 
specific information!

3.  If you are asking about *instructions or a translation*:  Please cite the 
specific book, magazine, or pattern -- if a book, give the author's name, 
title of book, ISBN and page number.  If a magazine, give the issue number or 
date, in addition to the full title of the magazine and the country in which it 
was published, and page number.  If a pattern, give as much info as possible.  
We have very experienced people on Arachne who can help you.  It is respectful 
of their time to give enough info for them to help you!

Please!  Please give an appropriate *Subject* at the top, so when we go 
through many letters we can identify the one we are ready to answer.  "Help!", for 
example, is not enough.  "Lacemakers near Boston", or "Lace travel in Glasgow 
2/14/04", or "IOLI Bulletin Vol. 21, No. 4" gives people enough details to 
take action to help you.

Who? What? When? Where? How? -- are in part what you may need to give or 
receive.  When you write a question, please ask yourself if you have given enough 
details for someone to be more than helpful to you, while still protecting 
your security.  Are they going to have to ask questions to get to the heart of 
what you need?  If so, please add more information to your question.  

Kind regards, 
Jeri Ames in Maine USA
Lace and Embroidery Resource Center

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