Hi All in the wonderful world of lace,

At long last I’ve managed to get my computer online in Spain. Six months of 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] deprivation have been dreadful. I never realized how much I would 
miss my daily ‘fix’ of Lace.

Moving to Spain has been an ‘interesting experience’ – one day I’ll write the 
book! All pillows, books, bobbins and threads arrived unscathed – including a 
22inch pillow with a fine bucks (200 bobbins) piece half done – how not a 
single thread broke during the crash which wrote off our motorhome is beyond 

However, we’re here now – at long last I have both a phone line and a computer 
working at the same time. 

I’ve found the local (English speaking) sewing group and already I have 3 
ladies making lace. Another 2 are due to start after Xmas, plus a Spanish lady 
who wants to learn. The last one could test my Spanish severely as she speaks 
no English at all. There a couple of ladies who ‘winter’ in Spain making lace 
who come along occasionally so I’ve a few people to ‘bounce’ ideas of off. 
I’ve spent the last 3 months redrafting all my beginners patterns so that the 
ladies can use thread which is available locally – a good exercise in itself.

There are Spanish lacemakers in the nearest town and just a couple of days ago 
I found out where they meet. I hope to go along this Wednesday afternoon and 
find them, but the sewing group is having it’s Xmas lunch the same day so I 
might not be in any fit stateJ.

There used to be several lacemakers living in Spain on the list – are you 
still there? I would live to be in contact with you with a view to meeting up, 
exchanging info etc. etc.

Pam Mattioli
In sunny Vera Playa, Costa Almeria, southern Spain

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