Hello Spiders!

Yesterday I finished the Binche handkerchief edging that I
started in May!!  It is resting on the pillow for a few
days, and then I will do the joining...  Several days ago I
began the delicious task of deciding what project to tackle
next.  I've settled on a sampler in Ulrike Löhr's
"Schneeverseht und Durchgedrecht".  I love what she says
about the title of this book:  "The title of this book is a
play on words in German and can't be translated precisely.
It means the effect of many snowflakes forming a snowdrift
and Lacemakers going mad."  !!

I've just spent a couple of hours scanning the pricking and
the diagrams.  After printing them out, I made my pricking
"sandwich" with the "blue film" and lacemaker's card.  As I
was doing it, I had the same problem I *always* have doing
this...  while trying to get the blue film properly centered
over the printed pricking, the static in the film made the
paper pop up and adhere to it... before I was ready!!  This
means that the film isn't quite where I wanted it, and, as
usual, I ended up going "grrrrrrr..." (or something

So my question is, do any of you have any clever tricks for
getting the blue film exactly where you intend it to be?
I'd LOVE to overcome this annoying little problem!

I hope you've all had a good Holiday!  Santa is in cahoots
with one of my favorite vendors now, and I got five dozen
new Binche bobbins!!  Yippee!!


Clay Blackwell
Lynchburg, VA USA

A pretty, sunny day with temperatures in the high 40's (F).
We may not be able to enjoy this weather long...

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