On Jan 2, 2004, at 11:07, Aurelia L. Loveman wrote:

In case anybody surfing around has come upon my needlelace fan "Starry
Night" described as having been made in 1986 (!!! where, oh where did they
get that date from? I made it in 2001-2002), and located in the "Aurelia
Loveman Gallery" (what gallery? I haven't got a gallery!), I would just
like to set the date and place right. Date: 2001-2. Place: right here in my
humble home. And how did all this info, accurate or not, get on the Web?

I was sufficiently intrigued to Google "Aurelia Loveman Gallery", and it turned out to be a part of the Chesapeake Region Lace Guild's website. Specifically, a Gallery of Members (or, to be exact, their work)...


My guess is that "Gallery" also means they'd like to have more pics of your work, as they have from some other members... Can't say I blame them; the fan is *gorgeous* (though, IMO, not as gorgeous as the "Irises in a Storm" fan; why don't you send them a photo of that one to put up also?)

How they managed to mis-date the fan I have no idea, but as to *where* they got the info... All the tags (when present) look like something that had been typed for an exhibit; have you ever exhibited the fan alongside the work of other members of CRLG? That's when the pictures might have been taken...

Since I'm always interested in seing what other people design, especially for smallish publications, I also went to "Patterns". What a disappointment! My own designs -- old earrings (reprinted from an IOLI Bulletin), and my own favourite one in the series not even there :)

But the schedule of classes -- especially the Loehr's beginner Mechlin -- sounds tempting enough to consider re-joining the Guild (now that I know I *can* drive long distance, anything is possible <g>)...

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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