In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Clay Blackwell
>There's a lacemakers "ham" on ebay right now!  I suppose the
>unitiated might confuse our pillow with the sewing ham...
>But the asking price!?  WHEW!

Looking at it, has it been cobbled together? The pricking photo isn't
clear enough on my screen to see if it matches the lace, but there are
certainly a number of pairs of bobbins missing in terms of the lace
being made! The nine pairs of (not anything special) bobbins I can see
might just cope with the ninepin edge, and the trail and tallies on the
footside, but not the central features as well. It is a Beds/Maltese
piece of lace, that would not require pairs to be taken in and thrown
out. The length of the pricking and the position the lace is in would
also suggest it would be (possible, but) difficult to work as the pillow
is shown more or less upright, but surely in practice be used flat,
especially on that type of stand and I wouldn't trust a move-up with so
few pins in place! Maybe that was why whoever left it "in progress"!

A stand, nine pairs (unless others are well hidden) of plain bobbins, a
straw (presumably) pillow, pricking, maybe a couple of dozen pins at
most and a bit of lace (of the same pattern as some I bought some years
ago!) - for that much? Wonder if anyone will be mad enough to bid!

Jane Partridge

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