> The piece I just finished was given away as a gift, which I am 
> profoundly thankful for. I can't imagine that in years to come I will 
> want to look at it and go " Oh my GOSH!!! Look at what i did!" and 
> cringe.

Welcome to our wonderful world of lacemaking, Francesca, and good luck with the
next piece!!
Just to make you feel even better, I just want to tell you that when I was
young, my parents took me to Brussels and Bruges, and I just HAD to have one of
those wonderful looking pieces of lace that were on sale in the streets(they
still had old lacemakers working outside then). We watched a lady making lace,
and my parents bought me a hanky with a simple torchon border (they couldn't
afford much at the time), but to me it was absolutely mind-boggling because it
was handmade. (And no, at that time, they didn't have work coming from Asia

Well,I looked at that hanky a few years ago, after I started learning lace
myself, and I thought "This is really basic work, I can make a much better one
myself". And I can.
So, you see, even professionals do work that is not necessarily that much
better than ours!!

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne.

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